Peter Brill, long serving Safeguarding lead for bowls in Wales steps down Peter Brill will be known by many across the bowling community, for his role as the safeguarding lead for outdoor and indoor bowls. John Phillips from the WBA and WIB said, “Peter Brill has acted as the safeguarding officer for the WBA, WIB and its predecessor the WIBA for more than ten years, on that period of time he has devoted his time to ensuring that both outdoor and indoor bowls clubs in Wales were made aware of the importance of safeguarding of young people and vulnerable adults.
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Monthly Archives July 2023
Chris Emsley 6 year term comes to an end
After 6 years’ service on the BowlsWales Board, Chris’ term has come to an end. Chris was appointed to the board in 2017 and was one of the first directors on the board following the formation of BowlsWales. Chris’ portfolio was development and brought extremely valued and insightful contributions to all board discussions. Chris also was involved in various groups and projects over the years, including the chairing the Articles of Association review working group, the independent review and the Development & communications Group. Richard Palmer, Chair of BowlsWales said “Chris has served as an independent member of the Board
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BCGBA Junior County Championship 2023
On Sunday 9th July, the Welsh Juniors played their final game of the season. The away side played at Amery Unionist Club in Staffordshire and the Home side hoisted Staffordshire at Caernarfon BC. The Welsh Juniors played with great enthusiasm and gave it their all. As one of the teams in the ‘Premier League’ they have had some touch opposition. Away from home, the teams had six winners each with some excellent single figure successes from Connor Edwards, Sam Bennett and Cody Edwards. All the stops were pulled out at the Home venue with only one match lost out of
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BowlsWales and the NFWI-Wales working together to create more opportunities for Women to play bowls across Wales.
BowlsWales and The National Federation of Women’s Institutes in Wales are happy to announce a new partnership that will see greater opportunities provided to women across Wales to play bowls. Earlier this year the Bowls in Wales Development and Communications group identified a set of key priorities, one of which was to increase the membership of Women and girls in bowls. As a result, BowlsWales is thrilled to announce this exciting new partnership. Working with the NFWI-Wales federations will see BowlsWales working closely with their members and bowls clubs to offer various bowls activities for the WI members across Wales.
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