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Privacy Statement

Your right to privacy is very important to us and we recognise that when you choose to provide us with information about yourself, you trust us to act in a responsible manner.

How We Protect And Respect Data

This privacy statement only covers the following website:

We do not use cookies for collecting user information and we will not collect any information about you except that required for system administration of our web server.

The website may contain links to other websites. This privacy policy applies only to our site, so you should always be aware when you are moving to another site and read the privacy statement of any site which collects personal information.

We do not pass on any personal information you have given us to any other site.

The system will record your e-mail address and other information if volunteered to us by you. This shall be treated as proprietary and confidential. It may be used for internal review and to notify you about updates to the website.

Changes to this privacy policy

If this privacy policy changes in any way, we will place an updated version on this page. Regularly reviewing this page ensures you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it and under what circumstances, if any, we will share it with other parties.