The National Governing Body Development Group has produced the following document to help clubs find funding opportunities.
Below shows a list of funders for training/education, equipment and small capital projects.
Sport Wales Funding
Sport Wales has partnered with Crowdfunder to support community clubs and activities to raise money for facility improvements.
Be Active Wales Fund
The #BeActiveWales Fund is now open!
Please read through all the information and when you're ready, get in touch and we'll support you with your application. For more information, including eligibility and how to apply, click below.
Emergency Relief Fund
Sport Wales’s Emergency Relief Fund, which has been in place since the start
of the lockdown, has come to an end – with a number of Bowls Clubs
throughout Wales benefiting from its pay outs. Read more below.
Place For Sport Fund
This fund has now closed but click below to find out the investment made in to Bowls Clubs throughout Wales.
Good News Stories
Below are some good news stories on how the Emergency Relief Fund and the the Be Active Wales fund has helped clubs around the country.
For other grants and loans available which can potentially support your club. Visit the Club Solutions website for more information: