BowlsWales is the national coordinating body for the sport of Bowls in Wales covering Indoor, Outdoor, Short Mat and Crown Green Bowls. Our role is to promote bowls as a lifetime sport for all. We are working closely with the national governing bodies (NGBs) for the various codes within our sport to support its development and promotion, from grass roots clubs through to elite competition. Our vision is that people of all ages have the opportunity to play bowls and to experience the physical, emotional and social benefits associated with our sport. 

However, we recognise there are challenges facing our sport, with financial pressures associated with running and maintaining venues and facilities and difficulty attracting new players, combined with the need to develop and modernise the sport. We also understand that action is needed now to safeguard its future. While we know that ensuring good governance across the sport is important, it is also a pre-requisite from Sport Wales if we are to secure any future funding. 

With the support of Sport Wales and the NGB’s, we are, therefore, commissioning an independent review of the sport of Bowls in Wales. The review will consider all aspects of the sport and will seek views from all interested stakeholders – NGBs, regional/county associations, clubs, grass roots bowlers and any other interested individuals/organisations. 

Specifically, the review will seek to explore current arrangements around 

  • Structure 
  • Governance 
  • Development 
  • Performance  
  • Safeguarding 
  • Coaching & Officiating  
  • Communication  
  • PR & Marketing  

and, across all of these, will consider issues around equality, diversity and inclusion, and how effectively the sport makes use of appropriate technology. 

A working group representing BowlsWales and each of the NGBs has now issued a tender seeking to appoint an independent consultant to undertake the review. We expect the tender process to be completed before Christmas allowing the review to commence in the new year. 

Further information regarding the review, including how to have your views heard will be shared as we progress.