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Welsh Indoor Bowls (WIB)

The WIB is the newly unified body for Indoor Bowls in Wales. It is the official source of information and news for indoor bowls in Wales.

Prior to the WIB, the indoor Bowls Governing Bodies were the WIBA and WLIBA. The WIBA is the National Governing Body for the sport of men’s indoor bowls in Wales. Founded in 1934, all 25-member stadiums share the ambition, to promote the sport of bowls to all without exception. As with the male indoor game, the WLIBA was responsible for the governance of the Ladies Indoor Game across Wales. The WLIBA have 21-member clubs throughout Wales who welcome those keen to discover more about the indoor game both in a social and competitive capacity.

For more information about the indoor game and to find your nearest club, please visit Welsh Indoor Bowls