In recognition of the effect that COVID-19 has brought on the sport and leisure sector, the Welsh Government has provided additional funding to support the sector in its greatest need. The fund is intended to provide essential support to sports clubs and organisations, independent providers and sporting events who have all faced significant challenges during the crisis and continue to be severely impacted.
In order to provide the widest possible opportunity to maximise the benefits from this additional funding, BowlsWales have decided to allocate the fund in three ways:
- £5,000 to fund BowlsWales Projects (which can deliver opportunities for all codes)
- £35,000 to fund two specific initiatives:
- Projects put forward by National Governing Bodies
- The Bowls Innovation Fund – open to ideas from anyone with innovative ideas to further develop and support Bowls in Wales.
Bowls clubs can apply for the Innovation Fund via the link below with a deadline of Friday 14th May 2021.
The Innovation Fund is limited, and we expect demand likely to be high. It is unlikely we can support all applications; however, a fair application and assessment process has been put in place to identify the strongest applications based on need, innovation, sustainability and impact.
Clubs applying must read the club support guidance here as well as the supporting FAQ document here before completing the application form.
BowlsWales staff are on hand to support clubs through the process: and
BowlsWales Innovation Fund Application Form