First of all, a huge thank you to everyone that has expressed an interest in the review so far and, in particular to the nearly 600 of you that took the time to complete the survey. The survey has provided a very rich set of data to analyse and to shape the next stages of the review. To those of you who shared email addresses and asked to be kept informed, more detailed reporting and analysis will be shared with you as we get further into the process. In addition, we will be in touch to invite you to a series of public meetings which will form a part of the review process in the coming months. We are very open to your suggestions on who should attend these meetings – please feel free either to nominate yourself, to suggest other contacts, or both of these. Our plan is to host meetings on a regional basis – with at least one in North Wales, one in South West Wales, one or two in South Wales Central and South Wales East and another in Mid Wales if there is enough demand.
In the meantime, here is a snapshot of key findings from the survey:
– There is a great deal of enthusiasm for change and modernisation within the sport
– Roughly even numbers feel that the current structures and communications are
working to those who feel that real changes are needed
– Despite this, a majority either expressed a view that the sport will not be sustainable
without changes, or did not know if it would be sustainable
– Clubs remain the biggest source of advice, information and support
– It is not always clear enough ‘who does what’ – from clubs, to NGBs and BowlsWales
A number of respondents also shared specific suggestions on competition and league reform, modernisation of the sport, how to make the sport more welcoming and how best to engage younger people. Concerns and barriers to participation have been raised – including a lack of information, cost and availability of facilities. We will be looking at all of this in more detail. As ever, please do get in touch if you would like to share any suggestions, comments or concerns.