Local lockdown restrictions in Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough come into effect on Thursday 17th September from 18:00.
The council issued the following:
- No participants, coaches, officials or other club volunteers residing in the borough to attend activities outside the borough e.g. training, face to face education courses, meetings
- Local lockdown measures mean that clubs should exclude any members living outside of the borough from attending training sessions inside the borough
- No participants, coaches, officials or other club volunteers residing outside the borough to attend facilities or training sessions in the borough
Rhondda Cynon Taf CBC do not intend to close any sports facilities but if the situation deteriorates then this may change.
Welsh Government have released the following- Rhondda Cynon Taf lockdown: frequently asked questions)
Sport and outdoor activity
Can sport, leisure and recreation facilities remain open?
Yes. The operators of these facilities must take all necessary measures to manage risk and maintain social distancing, and a gathering of people to exercise or play sport, both indoors and outdoors, must not exceed 30 people.
Who can I play sport or exercise with?
You can only play sport or exercise with others from within the local authority area as long as you maintain social distancing, all reasonable steps are taken to minimise risk, and only do so in groups or classes of up to 30 people.
Can outdoor sports classes and team sports continue?
Yes, but social distancing should be maintained at all times and the classes must be limited to no more than 30 people. You should not travel to areas outside the county to participate in sport or exercise.
Can I drive somewhere to exercise or play sport?
Yes, as long as you staying within the Rhondda Cynon Taf area.
I have mobility problems and need to drive to exercise – can I do that?
Yes. People with specific health or mobility issues may need to travel by car from their home to exercise, including possibly outside the Rhondda Cynon Taf area if there is a good reason for this. For example, some wheelchair users or users of mobility scooters may not be able to exercise immediately outside their homes for practical reasons. In such circumstances the journey should be to the nearest convenient accessible location.
Can gyms and leisure centres stay open?
Yes, as long as they can maintain all the safety requirements to protect people from the risk of contracting coronavirus. Gyms and leisure centres have to put measures in place to ensure social distancing and good hygiene. They may also need to stop certain activities where people are in close contact because the risk of spreading the virus in the area is higher.
Do I need to wear a face covering when I exercise in a leisure centre or gym?
As gyms and leisure centres are indoor public places, you will need to wear a face covering when you go there and you will need to keep it on depending on what you are doing. If you are preparing to exercise, changing or undertaking any activity that isn’t strenuous, especially when in close contact with other people, you will need to wear a face covering.
However, there may be circumstances where the layout of the premises and the nature of the exercise you are doing mean that it would not be reasonable to expect you to wear a face covering. The World Health Organisation advises against wearing a face covering when exercising as sweat can make a face covering become wet more quickly, making it difficult to breathe and promoting the growth of microorganisms. It advises the important preventive measure during exercise is to maintain physical distance from others.
Can I travel to and from the area to take part in sport?
No, only if you are a professional sportsperson or an elite athlete as designated by Sport Wales. Travelling to and from the area for amateur sport activities is not permissible.
Sport RCT are still working to support sports clubs with access to the Be Active Wales Fund https://www.sport.wales/beactivewalesfund/ The team can be contacted via email sportrct@rctcbc.gov.uk
We would like to take this opportunity to remind all clubs and participants to continue to adhere to the guidelines issued by BowlsWales and the National Governing Bodies.
You can access general return to Bowls advice and guidelines here: https://bowlswales.com/covid-19/
For up to date local advice please consult the following:
Rhondda Cynon Taf website https://www.rctcbc.gov.uk/ or follow @RCTCouncil on Twitter