Hello again, Thank you for your feedback this week. We’ve a shorter note today. The Welsh Sports Association (WSA), the support organisation for major sports in Wales, are keen to hear from the Bowls Community on how the current situation is affecting Clubs and individuals now and in the short, medium and long term. To this end WSA have drawn up a questionnaire, which they have distributed to all major sports in Wales in order to gain an overview of the impact of the current situation. BowlsWales will distribute this to all Member Associations – Lawn, Indoors, Crown Green, Short
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Posts by Claire Joll
We promised yesterday to keep in touch with you during the current situation. Our posting on the BowlsWales Twitter and Facebook page has already had more than 3,400 visits – thank you for your interest. Social distancing is very much at the center of the UK and Welsh Governments’ advice to us all. The current UK Government advice is here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-guidance-on-social-distancing-and-for-vulnerable-people/guidance-on-social-distancing-for-everyone-in-the-uk-and-protecting-older-people-and-vulnerable-adults with the advice for social mixing in the community, which includes examples such as cinemas, theatres, pubs, bars, restaurants and clubs given at the very end of the document. You can still go outside for exercise as long as
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BowlsWales Update – Coronavirus
As the co-ordinating body for all forms of bowls in Wales, BowlsWales is happy to advise clubs and individuals about the current Coronavirus situation, which is fast-moving and constantly developing. The administration of the various leagues and other tournaments throughout Wales are the organisational responsibility of the various National Governing Bodies, and these are best placed to answer queries about their administration and rules. The Welsh and UK Governments are in the process of formulating plans to assist businesses and other organisations and are also issuing advice as to whether they should close or remain open during this time. BowlsWales
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We will continue to follow advice from Public Health Wales, the World Health Organisation and both local and national government on the current COVID-19 situation. Those involved in any bowls activity should follow this general advice: * Frequently clean your hands in soap and water, or with an alcohol-based hand rub. * If you cough or sneeze, please cover your mouth and nose with a flexed elbow or tissue. Throw the tissue away immediately and wash your hands. * Avoid contact with anyone who has a fever or cough. * Avoid unnecessary contact with ‘high touch’ areas such as handrails,
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Has your club been affected by the Recent Flooding
The flooding has had a devastating impact on communities across Wales and we are aware that some of the Bowls Greens and Facilities have been damaged. Here are a few things to do: Speak to your insurers Welsh Sports Association have offered support through their insurance partner and are happy to provide advice: https://wsa.wales/partners/watkin-davies-insurance-consultants/ Visit Flooding Support and Future protection: https://wsa.wales/flooding-support-and-future-protection/ Set up ‘Go Fund’ page’-‘Free fundraising for people & causing you care about’-Here is an example: https://www.gofundme.com/f/community-support-following-floods
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On Sunday 23rd February, 36 bowlers took to the green at Cardiff Indoor Bowls Club to see who would be the Welsh Learning Disability Pairs Champions for 2020. Well done to all competitors who took part in this, the first Welsh Learning Disability Indoor Bowls Pairs Championship. Some tremendous bowling was witnessed by over 90 Coaches, Supporters and Officials. Bowlers from Pembroke, Radnorshire, Islwyn, Rhondda and 21 bowlers from Cardiff Chameleons took part in round robin competitions in three separate classifications. The winners and runner-up in each classification went on to the semi finals and finals to determine the
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Pembroke County Team Win British Isles Inter-County Team Competition
The British Isles competition was held at Heatherton Country Sports Park on 12th/13th October. Pembroke County Team won in the last end of the Day, with the Irish Team from West Tyrone coming 2nd and West Midlands finishing third. The Competition was a challenge of the top county team from the three nations.
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Wales Medal Success at the Under 18 Mixed British Isles Championships.
Inverclyde Indoor Bowls Club (Glasgow) hosted the Under 18 Mixed British Isles Championships in early October. The two day event saw top teams from teams from England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales compete across all disciplines – Singles, Pairs, Triples & Fours. Wales had a very successful trip to Glasgow coming home with two Bronze Medals and a Silver Medal. Fours silver medallists: Tom Sims, Jack Mounty, Oliver Witchell and Tegan Rees. Triples Bronze Medallists: Oliver Witchell, Rhys Colwill and Jack Mounty Fours Bronze Medallists: Lewis Lavelle, Ellis Thomas, Billy Flynn, Dion Peregrine and Alex Morgan
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World Short Mat Bowls Championship 2018
This week sees Short Mat Team Wales heading out to Stromstad in Sweden for the World Short Mat Bowls Championship which begins on the 16th March and concludes on Sunday 18 March. WSMBA World Championships 2018
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